Raiding Danes, Norse Seafarers and Varyag mercenaries. And where do the Vikings come into the picture? ‘A beloved child has many names’ is a Swedish proverb, and a quite fitting one when looking at this topic. There are a lot of different terms and definitions which can be quite confusing. Let’s have quick look at it and go through the basics.

We choose to start off our story with the Roman Empire. They were the first to record their encounters with the Germanic Tribes of the time, who are the forefathers we’re looking for. The Romans were all about expanding their empire, which meant that they had to conquer those who stood in their way. The tribes inhabiting the dark forests of ‘Magna Germania’ were too hard adversaries though, which led to the northern border of the Roman Empire halting there. It wasn’t a peaceful stalemate though since the Romans tried to defeat the Germanic Tribes, who in turn wanted the Romans to leave. This resulted in the ‘Germanic Wars’ that raged back and forth in between 113 BC and 596 AD.

Vikings, as we choose to refer to the Scandinavians of the time, are a branched out group of descendants to the Germanic peoples. What about the others? We’ll sort them out in a small lexicon below.

Left: Map based on a Roman map over their empire. The Roman Empire is marked in red, and the territory of the Germanic Tribes in green. Scandinavia is not visible, it’s located north of the map.

Right: Map showing the travels of the Vikings.

Scandinavia – Region in Northern Europe that shares a common heritage. It consists out of the countries Sweden (unified in the 12th century), Norway (unified in 872) and Denmark (unified in early 10th century).

Viking age – A period in Scandinavian History from the late 8th to late 11th century when Norse seafarers used the seas and rivers to raid, trade and colonize. The Viking Age is considered by many to have begun on 8th of June 793 when Vikings raided the abbey on Lindisfarne. Similarly, it is considered to have ended with the Battle of Stamford Bridge on the 25th of September 1066 when the English King Harold Godwinson defeated the invading Norsemen under the leadership of King Harald Hardrada. If going by those dates, the Viking Age lasted: 273 years, 3 months and 18 days (or 99 823 days).

Norse or Norsemen – The name used for the people living in Scandinavia during the Viking Age. It literally means ‘man from the north’.

Viking – Norse seafarers who during the Viking Age left their Scandinavian homelands (Sweden, Denmark and Norway) to raid, trade and colonize. The meaning behind the term is debated, but we tend to consider Anatoly Liberman's thesis the most logical one. In it he argues that most likely means a person who takes rowing shifts on a boat, based on that the noun "Vica" that means the very same thing. From our linguistic perspective, it makes perfect sense.

Dane – A person from Denmark. However, during the Viking Age the word ‘Dane’ became synonymous with Vikings that raided and invaded England. These Vikings consisted out of a coalition of Norse warriors originating not only from Denmark, but also Norway and Sweden.

Varyag or Vargangian – The name given to Norsemen (mainly Swedish Vikings) by the Greeks and East Slavs. They raided, traded and colonized along the rivers of Eastern Europe and as far as the Arab Caliphates and the Byzantine Empire.

Rus – A group of Varangians who relocated to northeastern Europe. Led by Rurik, the Rus eventually founded what would become Russia (which is named after them).

Northman – The same as Norseman.

Germanic tribes – Tribes of people inhabiting Northern Europe. The Roman Empire fought against them in the ‘Germanic Wars’ in between 113 BC and 596 AD. Both the Norsemen and the Anglo-Saxons are later branches of the Germanic Tribes.

Anglo-Saxon – Germanic people who migrated to Great Britain in the 5th century and ruled it until the Norman conquest in 1066.

Norman – Means ‘Northman’ in French. They were descendants to Norseman raiders who in early 10th century under the leadership of Rollo swore fealty to the King of Francia (the region Normandy in France is named after them). King Harold Godwinson of England, who defeated the final invading Viking Army in the Battle of Stanford Bridge, was ironically defeated by Duke William II of Normandy just a few weeks later in the Battle of Hastings. The Normans thus replaced the Anglo-Saxons as the ruling class of England. This also means that all the wars fought in Great Britain between Vikings, Anglo-Saxons and Normans were all between descendants to the Germanic Tribes.

A simple timeline over the discussed period.

19 kommentarer

  • Ganger

    It’s worth noting that the Anglo-saxons didn’t migrate to the whole of Great Britain they stopped at the edge of the old roman empire Hadrians wall and left out Wales , parts of the west Cornwall and Cumberland (land of the Cymrea) now west Cumbria, all celtic areas and hence Angle land or more correctly Ingle land (land of the Ings or Inglings) became England .

  • Sergei

    I once heard that rus was name for the people from modern Swedish Roslagen area. This was told to me in a Viking museum in Russia.

  • James Buchanan

    After 1066 a lot of Varangians were Snglo-Saxon.
    Lets not forget the Gall/Lochlanach/ GallGael….. Norse settled in the Western Isles of Scotland… Inse Gall…. intermarried with Dalriadic Scots.

  • Mikko Mikeland

    Few comments about Finns and Varagians. In my opinion the role of the Finns during the Viking age is much greater than normally presented. This is partly due to the fact that Finland was part of Sweden over 600 years. We were “de facto” Swedes. However archaeological finds and modern gene technology have reviled some interesting facts. For e.g. Archaeologists have found the high number of Ulfberth Swords and other high quality swords (ring swords) in Finland. Much more than in other Nordic countries.

    Here is some hard evidence about Ruriks genetic background. “In 2006 genetic research concerning the genotype of known descendants of Rurik started to be conducted (a Polish scholar Andrzej Bajor participated in that research). Surprisingly it turned out that descendants of Rurik have Y-DNA haplogroup N1c1, which is the most common haplogroup among Baltic Ugro-Finnic people (68% of Finns, 50% of Estonians and 40% of inhabitants of Latvia – descendants of Livonians / Livs – have this haplogroup). This genotype is less frequent in territories of northern Russia (which used to be inhabited only by Ugro-Finnic speakers before they were Slavicized) as well as in central (10%-15%) and northern (over 30%) Sweden, which also used to be inhabited by Saami and Finnish majority in the past. This is also confirmed by presence of mutation DYS390=23, very common among Baltic-Finnish people.”

    “Another scholar – Kalevi Wiik – says that the region of Roslagen, from which supposedly came Rurik, had been inhabited by majority of Ugro-Finnic people at least until the middle of the first millennium AD. Later that population was assimilated by Germanic tribes.”

  • eM.Si

    While vikings exposed whole Europe, some neighbors across the Baltic sea burned down Sigtuna…

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